Weight Loss
Reduces Knee Pain |
I'm told that they mentioned
this stat on The Biggest Loser... "1 Pound Weight Loss
Unloads 4 Pounds of Joint Stress from your knees".
Sure, it may not sound like much at face value, but that
means that those 10 extra pounds that you're carrying is
roughly 40 pounds of knee pressure! Hey... coming from
a guy with a bad knee, I can tell you for a fact that my
knees felt significantly better after I dropped 30 pounds
back when I got control of my fitness, and why shouldn't
they when that equates to a whopping 120 pounds on my knees!
One of my favorite exercises
that I saw them do early on during the Biggest Loser was
when they gave the contestants a weighted vest towards the
end with the equivalent amount of weight that they lost
during the show. Then they proceeded to make them do
laps around the track as they were panting an wheezing the
whole way. Seriously... once you get a taste of the
way that you feel after loosing that extra baggage, I can
guarantee that you won't want to go back to the good 'old
days in a hurry!
A new study shows that for each pound of body weight
lost, there is a 4-pound reduction in knee joint stress
among overweight and obese people with osteoarthritis of the
knee. Researchers say the results indicate that even modest
weight loss may significantly lighten the load on your
This is
particularly true if you have had a cartilage or meniscus
operation or injury. This is the spongy cushion
between your "femur" (bone of your upper leg) and "tibia"
(bone of your lower leg) that prevents the bones from
rubbing together.

"The accumulated reduction in knee load for a 1-pound
loss in weight would be more than 4,800 pounds per mile
walked," writes researcher Stephen P. Messier, PhD, of Wake
Forest University in the July issue of Arthritis &
Rheumatism. "For people losing 10 pounds, each knee
would be subjected to 48,000 pounds less in compressive load
per mile walked."
Although there are no studies that have shown weight loss
can slow the progression of osteoarthritis of the knee,
researchers say a reduction of pressure on the joints of
this magnitude would appear to have a major impact on the
disease. Obesity is one of the most important risk factors
for osteoarthritis of the knee.
Weight Loss Takes Pressure Off the Knee
Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disability in the
U.S. The disease progressively destroys the cartilage that
acts like a shock absorber in the joints and results in
pain, stiffness, and eventually loss of movement in the
affected joint.
The study involved 142 overweight and obese older adults
with osteoarthritis of the knee who participated in an 18
month weight loss program. By the end of the weight loss program, the participants
lost an average of nearly 3% of their body weight. But when researchers measured the load on the knee
joints, they found that each pound of weight loss was
associated with a 4 pound reduction in knee-joint load.
Accumulated over thousands of steps taken each day,
researchers say the effects of this reduction of pressure on
the knees should have a significant impact on the
progression of osteoarthritis of the knee. They say more
studies are needed to confirm this assumption.
Jennifer Warner - WebMD
On The Flip
Side |
Call it a mid-life crisis or
something, but I've really been enjoying messing around with
the old school, strong man, training tools lately. I
just picked up another tire for my collection back behind my
shed. I'm not sure how much this bad boy weighs, but
it's a perfect size for me to use for tire flipping!
Many people get the wrong idea
about the proper form for flipping a tire. The first
impulse might be to stand next to the tire, squat down, and
deadlift it while trying to also pull with your arms.
This would be incorrect. Flipping a tire properly is a
great exercise for leg and hip power... the arms really
don't do too much.
So here are some tips to the
proper flipping technique:
- position your chest on the
- arms should be straight as
possible, allowing you to hook your hands underneath
- while in this position,
your legs should be back away from the tire and coiled
under you
- as you drive with your
legs and chest, the tire will dig in and naturally lift
your body up
- run through the tire,
switching your hands to an overhand position when the tire
is verticle
- finish the flip with an
explosive chest press movement to send the tire over
(grunt optional)

Hey, I'm not going to lie to
you... besides the outstanding leg, hip, and total body
power that this primal exercise helps you to develop... it's
just fun to do! And since these used tires are
completely FREE, the only thing you have to work out is
whether or not your wife will let you put a big truck tire
behind your house : )

Partner Bodyweight Exercise of the Month! |

This one's a beast if you are working out with someone around
your size! The Deadlift is a favorite exercise for
athletic power and strength in any gym, but here's a very
functional option that can be used in a practice room, or
anywhere you want to get a good leg, hip, and low back
workout without weights. The focus should be on an
explosive upward pull, with a slower return to the floor.
It's not nice to drop your workout partner!
Target: legs, hips, low
(hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteals,
erector spinae)
2 count
Description: The
partner being lifted lays on their back with their inside knee
up and foot hooked under the back of their knee (figure 4
position). Their inside elbow should be up while they
grab their own wrist with the outside hand (gable lock).
The person doing the lifting locks hands under the partner's
knee and over the partner's up elbow. With knees
partially bent, explode upward, focusing on a straight back
and head up as the target of the lift. Return partner to
the ground, in control, and repeat for desired repetitions.
- Ancient Tool
For The Modern Athlete |
One of the methods of this
millennia old tradition originating in ancient Persia was
“club swinging.” The
Clubbell resurrects the centuries proven
tradition of swinging weight in three dimensions rather than
lifting it in only one or two.
I was exposed to Clubbells by
Bruce Pahl of
Immortal Martial Arts
recently while picking up my
battling rope. I really
found the variety of movements and exercises to be a
refreshing challenge that I wanted to find out more about.
Unlike conventional
weight-lifting, where you must increase the weight lifted, the
Clubbell is swung. Swinging weight increases torque.
Increasing torque increases force production.
Clubbell training increases
force exponentially: swinging them twice as fast produces four
times the torque. Superior force production means
superior strength conditioning in a fraction of the time and
without the litany of injuries associated with conventional
weight training. Traction pulls apart the joints, rather than
compressing them which increases connective tissue strength.

The obvious benefits of Clubbell
training include the development of the arms, shoulders, upper
back and chest. However, the most misunderstood difference
between Circular Strength Training (Clubbells) and
conventional weight-lifting is that the Clubbell is
specifically designed to connect the superior force production
of torque to one's core. Furthermore, all exercises are
full bodily intensive: creating incredibly powerful glutes,
hams, quads and calves from the leg drive.
Circular Strength Training
comprises three dimensional strength
(tri-planar movements) which develop rotary and
angular/diagonal strength to assist the prime movers.
Developing tri-planar strength of the prime movers increases
stability, enhances injury prevention, multiplies force
production abilities and most importantly, stimulates the
neuromuscular patterns required of athletes.
With dumbbells, the weight can
be supported by your skeletal structure, as if sitting on top
of a column. With dumbbells your grip is located directly upon
the center of gravity which remains constant throughout the
exercise for the entire range of motion. The Unique
Balance Scheme of Clubbells forces athletes to use proper
technique and concentrate on complex skills during the
movement. The Displaced Center of Gravity forces you to
keep the weight inside of its proper groove throughout the
entire lift.
One of the single most defining
characteristics of athletic performance in sports especially
contact sports and tool-using sports, is grip strength &
endurance which elite coaches consider the measuring stick of
one’s total functional strength. However, most strength
programs overlook hand, wrist and forearm conditioning.
Due to the displaced center of gravity and the effect on hand
and grip strength, Clubbells present very functional and
challenging exercises for grip and hand strength.
Although you can pick up a club or
two from the official
Clubbell website, I was able to find plans for a
do-it-yourself club on the internet... and you know that I'm
all about the do-it-yourself stuff : ) I posted the
plans for this club at
this link if you are so inclined to
give it a shot.

It's Go Time!
Work Hard - Play Hard... That
sounds like a fair trade, doesn't it? Unfortunately,
many people feel like they deserve summer... like somebody
owes them something. Don't get me wrong, we all deserve
to enjoy ourselves... but do you really want to slide down
that hill and lose all the results that you worked so hard to
achieve? Not me!
There are plenty of opportunities to Play Hard over the
summer. Vacations, BBQs, parties... all filled with
MORE. MORE food, MORE drink, more stuff that you
wouldn't normally eat... especially in those size portions!
I'm not saying that you have to pass it up, but keep an eye on
yourself and know when you are just getting out of hand.
Discipline is not fun, and I'm not saying that you have to go
hard core, just be smart about it!
In addition... take some time
out of each day to WORK HARD. Come on... you can afford
an hour of discomfort to offset your indulgence, right?
If you get the Work Hard part down, then you don't feel as
guilty with the Play Hard part! Make some time for both
this summer and ENJOY!
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Exceed Your
Mazzeo, CPT
" When
the Going Gets Tough,
The Tough Get Tougher"
youtube of the month -->
Clubbell Science
Good video with demonstration of clubbell exercises and