Muscle "Toning" |
Here's another
common phrase that I hear time and time again from the ladies that I
talk with... "I just want to tone up... I don't want to get bulky".
There are sooo many common misconceptions about this statement, that
I thought it was time to highlight an article about it.
Using little tiny
weights and doing endless reps is a common belief for toning.
However, you need to understand that your muscles will adapt to the
demand that you place on them. Intensity in your workouts is
something that applies to both men and women alike... no matter what
your goals are!
I came across the
following article from
Flavia Del Monte's "Curvalicious" site
in one of the newsletters that I subscribe to and thought that it
covered most of the points that I am talking about. Great
5 'Muscle Toning' myths females must
STOP believing
Myth #1 - Toning is
"firming up the muscle" |
The Facts:
Muscle is already firm. There is no such thing as a soft flabby
muscle only soft flabby fat. Muscles do not go from soft to hard or
hard to soft - they shrink, grow or stay the same size.
Muscles can get weaker or stronger.
Muscles themselves do not "firm-up" or "tone". There is no such
thing as a "toning exercise". And for the record: your abdominals
don't tone themselves by doing 100 crunches!
Myth #2 - Toning is a result of just burning fat |
The Facts:
Toning is in fact a two-step process. Burn fat and add lean muscle.
In a moment I'll SHOW YOU how to do both at the same time!
Here's what happens when you just
lose the fat without adding lean muscle.
“No fat
and no muscle! These girls have low body fat but a minimal
amount of muscle. Do they appear toned? Not really!
I consider this look skinny and soft.” |
Here's what happens when
you lose the fat and add a few pounds of lean muscle. Now
these girls are looking CURVALICIOUS!

All of these attractive bodies are SHAPED by muscle & defined by
true muscle tone that forms sexy, desirable curves!
Myth #3 - Toning is a result of just adding
lean muscle |
The Facts:
Again, toning is a two-step process. Add lean muscle and burn fat.
Don't be fooled into thinking that adding lean muscle is going to
magically burn off all the fat. Muscle certainly increases your
metabolic rate to help you maintain your weight but you need TRUE
metabolic workouts that have a huge AFTERBURN and calorie burn or
else you'll never reveal the muscle definition underneath the layer
of fat!
Again, all the healthy bodies you
find attractive are shaped by muscle and
covered by a healthy layer of fat that smoothes it out to a shapely
Myth #4 - Toning is a result of low weight, high reps
and lots of bodyweight exercises |
The Facts:
Somehow the media has convinced you that if we just do bodyweight
exercises or light weights for high reps, your muscles will
magically take on a beautiful shape without growing or bulging.
Training with light weight, higher reps and primarily bodyweight
exercises is not wrong but you must understand it results in
myogenic muscle tone, which is not the muscle tone
that results in killer definition and
curvy body parts.
Myth #5 -
Heavy weights will make you look "bulky" |
The Facts:
Eating too much food will make you look bulky! Your muscles grow on
calories so as long as you manage your calories, you'll manage your
weight and shape.
Again, the media has detoured your
progress by having you believe that if you challenge yourself with
moderately heavy weights, your body will take on a bulky and
unfeminine appearance. If you believe this, you probably still
believe in the Easter Bunny & Santa Claus!
Women need to trust that building
minimal amounts of lean muscle speeds your metabolism, burns fat and
the most important factor to having a
shapely body. Muscle is what gives the shape
to your body!
Plus, most women don't
produce enough testosterone to bulk up from a few gym sessions a
week. God didn't intend women to look like men (go
figure), so he made the chemistry of each gender's respective bodies
different. (Can I get an amen?) In fact, most women produce 10-30
TIMES less testosterone than men and most men have a hard time
bulking up! A big, bulky body is only attainable via one means:
Women must also trust that
getting bulky doesn't just happen by accident. You have
a better chance of winning the lottery than bulking up overnight.
And lastly, gaining lean
muscle does not require you to gain fat. That's simply
not true. It's possible to gain lean muscle without putting on
additional fat weight!
Flavia Del Monte's Curvalicious
The Sled... Not
just for winter! |
Pushing sled exercises are designed to
strengthen your core muscles as well as improve your explosiveness
and power on an athletic field. While weighted sleds are often
used by football players and other athletes who engage in contact
sports, using weighted sleds can help you improve your speed and
quickness in finesse sports, such as sprinting and pole vaulting.

Of course... the sled is simply a
tool of convenience that can be used to simulate the desired
motion and load. If you search on YouTube or just browse the
internet, you'll find that the exercises themselves are not new.
For those of us that have ever broken down, or run out of gas, and
had to push the car for a distance... we were certainly working
some muscles then! In fact, car pushing is still used as a
training tool in a pinch by people that want to get the same
effect from training... just make sure that you have someone
steering while you push ; )
Do it yourself? Sure, there
is some potential for building a push sled. I've seen some
really great ideas on various sites from people that have the same
thought process as me when it comes to the whole "I can build
that" thing.

Personally, I was just planning to
take the metal bucket portion of an old wheel barrow and throw a
few sandbags in it... however, for the sake of storage and ease of
use, I have actually broken down and purchased a few sleds for use
during our outdoor workout sessions. We still use tires for
the "pull" sled exercises though... simple, easy, and free!
The pushing
sled exercise is designed to strengthen your shoulder muscles as
well as your quadriceps and hamstrings. Stand directly behind a
weighted sled with both of your hands on the handlebars. Push
forward on the sled with your back straight and your knees
driving up and down to generate speed. Push the weighted sled in
a consistent marching motion for your desired distance (20-30
yds). Repeat for several repetitions/runs.
In addition
to this standard push exercise that I've focused on here, sleds
can be used with pull straps and/or handles to add chest press
exercises, curls, flys, pulls, speed work and plenty of other
variations and combinations. They are great supplemental
tools for your outdoor workouts and boot camps!

Bodyweight Exercise of the Month! |

This exercise is probably one of the more
unique ones that can be performed on the USA suspension
straps, and it's just as difficult as it looks. The key
it so focus your muscle contractions on both your tricep and
bicep equally as you extend with your lower arm (tricep) and
curl with your upper arm (bicep). You get an added bonus
of some work on your sides (obliques) as well as total core
and shoulder stabilization.
Target: arms and core (tricep
brachii, biceps brachii, obliques)
Description: Stand
with your feet together and grab a rung on the USA that is
near your head with your up arm bent. With your down
arm, grab another rung with a wider than shoulder width
stretch (about 7 rungs) and straighten your arm. Lower
yourself down for the negative portion of the movement before
contracting your tricep (extending your elbow) and bicep
(bending your elbow) to pull yourself back to starting
position. Playing with the angle of your body to the
floor will adjust the amount of weight you will be working
There's an App
for That |
Although "Lose It!" is probably
a more popular nutrition tracking app in the iTunes store, I
actually prefer "Nutrition Menu"
for my needs. I don't actually log all the food that I
eat, or the exercises that I do... but I do like that way
that Nutrition Menu is laid out to do so. I also like
the extensive food reference library (common foods and
restaurants) that it comes with to allow you to get a quick
view of thousands of different food items and their
nutritional values.
Here's the iTunes description: Advance your diet by
having nutritional information for over 93,000 food items
right at your fingertips! Whether you go out to eat or
cook at home, Nutrition Menu takes the guesswork out of
choosing healthy meals and even includes a calculator to
compute your Food Score. Have the piece of mind
knowing that your meal fits within your dietary allowance.
You can then track from meal to meal insuring a higher
weight loss by keeping a journal of what you have consumed.
Whether you are counting carbs, watching calories, or have
diabetes, Nutrition Menu makes it easy for anyone who needs
to track what they eat. "The mother of all iPhone
calorie counters" - Fitness Magazine

Food Features:
- Over 42,000 restaurant
menu items (from 356 US restaurants)
- Over 51,000 entries for
common foods like apples, meat, frozen meals, etc...
- Shows Points Plus numbers
- No internet communication
- Nutrition data including
calories, fat, carbs, fiber, serving size, protein,
cholesterol, sodium, and sugars
- Add your own custom foods
- Add your own favorites
Excercise Features:
- 149 built-in exercises
- Add your own custom
- Activity score calculator
- Add your own favorites
- Calculate calories burned
based on your weight
Journal Features:
- Daily summary and progress
- Calorie breakdown pie
- Show all food and exercise
for a day
- Email the journal and
import to a spreadsheet
- Weight tracking with graph
- Track water consumption
- Passcode protected

Well worth the
whopping 99 cent investment in the iTunes store in my
opinion J
Recipes for Health |
With the grilling season upon us, I
thought that this recipe that I found in my trusty "Eat This Not
That" book was a timely addition to this month's newsletter.
Turkey burgers can be a healthier alternative to the beef version,
but you need to be careful about the restaurant options that they
try to pass off for healthy. Calorie count can vary from low
400s to upwards of 1200... in addition to plenty of fat and sodium!
Here's a recipe on the low end that was published in the book...
Spicy Turkey Burger

- 2 Tbsp ketchup
- 2 Tbsp olive oil mayonnaise
- 1/2 Tbsp chipotle pepper puree
- 1 lb ground turkey
- 1/4 tsp ground cumin
- Salt and ground black pepper to
- 4 slices (1/4 inch thick) red
- 4 slices sharp Cheddar cheese
- 4 potato or sesame seed hamburger
- Bibb lettuce or arugula
- 4 thick tomato slices (optional)
- Preheat a grill, grill pan, or
cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat.
- Combine the ketchup, mayonnaise,
and chipotle in a mixing bowl, stir, and set aside. In a
separate bowl, gently combine the ground turkey with the cumin and
a few generous pinches of salt and pepper. Being careful not
to overwork the meat, form four patties of equal size.
- Place the burgers and the onions
on the grill. Cook the burgers for 4 minutes on the first
side, flip, and immediately crown each with a slice of cheese.
Cook for another 4 to 5 minutes, until firm but gently yielding to
the touch. Grill the onions until lightly charred and soft.
If you like, toast the buns.
- Dress the bottom part of each bun
with lettuce and tomato (if using). Top with a burger,
grilled onions, and a generous spoonful of the spicy ketchup.
Makes 4 servings / Cost per serving:
Perfect Patties: Proper patty
formation is key to the texture and taste of a good burger.
Start with very cold meat, season, and very gently form patties; if
you overwork the meat, you'll end up with a dense, chewy burger.
Once the patty is formed, use your thumb to make a small indentation
in the center. As it cooks, ground meat swells in the center,
creating a rounded, oblong burger. The cavity will ensure a
flat, evenly cooked burger.
* Don't forget...
if you have a healthy recipe that you think people would benefit
from, shoot me an
email with the details and I'll
include it in one of my newsletters!
Eat This Not That
- 2012 Edition
It's Go Time!
Make Time... Not Excuses! NOW is the
time to do all those fitness type things that you promised you
were going to start doing once it gets nice out. Stop
kidding yourself and go do it!
I'm a big fan of family fitness and try to
find creative ways to trick my daughter into working out
There's a rock climbing gym fairly near to our house that we
try to get to now and then... we got her a kayak for Christmas
last year... bike rides... roller blading... dog walks...
whatever is not too difficult to sell, we try to make it
Fitness is contagious... Spread the virus!
prior issues of this eNewsletter, to subscribe, or
unsubscribe, please visit the following
link -->
Exceed Your
Mazzeo, CPT
"STRONG is what happens
when you
run out of WEAK!"
youtube of the month -->
Animal Bodyweight Exercises - Kong:
Scott Sonnon demonstrates one if several of his functional
bodyweight flows