Abs That Pop |
Another great article
that I found regarding the ever-popular subject of
Abdominals! Enjoy!
2 Tricks
to Getting Abs that POP
By Dr. Kevin Stock (Author of Magazine Abs SSI)
The abdominals are actually primarily fast twitch muscles
that respond best to resistance and low to moderate rep
ranges, NOT the high-rep endurance training that most people
tend to default to. When you develop
your abs with resistance, you'll actually be able to SEE
them even at higher bodyfat levels.
When it comes to TRULY
getting abs (I'm talking REAL ABS - that pop out) there are
2 MISTAKES that EVERYONE makes. Master these 2 things
and you will have a rippled midsection in no time.
How efficiently and
effectively your body utilizes carbohydrates is perhaps the
most important nutritional aspect to getting seriously cut
(i.e. really low levels of body fat). So unless you are
already sub 7% body fat (in this case - skip to point #2)
strategically managing and manipulating your carbohydrate
intake is essential to your diced abs quest.
Without smothering too much of my science nerd on you, there
are a couple of "Sciencey" words we need to know.
- Insulin Sensitivity - we want our cells to be as
sensitive to insulin as possible. This is the opposite of
insulin resistance (characterized by pre-diabetes and
diabetes). Insulin resistance and diabetes is prevalent due
to the fact people have no idea how to manage their
carbohydrates. Oh, and it's no coincidence that diabetes and
obesity are directly correlated. All we need to know here
is, the higher the insulin sensitivity, the better the cells
uptake glucose, the better your body utilizes
carbohydrates ' the better you look.
- Nutrient Partitioning - this is directly related to
sensitivity, and is a term describing how you are directing
your nutrients. Are they going to fat stores? Or are you
sending them to muscle tissue to replenish glycogen and
stimulate protein synthesis? With a properly structured
nutrition and training strategy, you can maximize nutrient
partitioning shuttling essential nutrients to muscular
tissue and away from adipose (fat) tissue.
The way I train people to optimize carbohydrate usage is
through what I call the SSI System. This "Strategic
Scientific Integration" allows one to eat carbohydrates at
optimal times (NO - not in the morning!) to maximize insulin
sensitivity and nutrient partition. (more on this at the
I have no clue when it became commonplace and socially
acceptable to train abs like a wussy. If people trained
their chest or biceps or legs like they train abs they would
be laughed at. Imagine just doing biceps curls with your
arms - no weights - just curling your forearm. Ludicrous, I
know - and you wouldn't expect much bicep growth, would you?
lying on the ground and repping out bodyweight crunches for
sets of 5,000 isn't going to get you the abs you want.
HERE is the key formula:
Let me give you a quick example. One of my favorite
abdominal exercises is weighted crunches using ropes on the
cable pulley (you know the ropes most
people use for tricep extensions).
Try this out: Put a weight on where you can do about 8-10
reps, then drop the weight and pump out another 8-10, then
drop the weight and gut out (pun intended) another 8-10.
What we are doing here is we are adding RESISTANCE with the
weight from the cable pulley. We are increasing T.U.T. =
Time Under Tension with the drop sets. And with this process
To bring it all together, when you eat strategically (SSI
Nutrition) and combine it with a strategic training protocol
(SSI Training) you get results. It's as easy as that.
And I'd love to explain SSI to you more in depth, so you can
use this Strategic Scientific Integration technique to get
you the abs and the body I know you can get.
Head over to my site and let me reveal
to you how it's done!
Recipes For Health |
I'll be honest, I am a
chocoholic! I love chocolate so much, that I had to make a
deal with myself to only have a little of it on the weekends.
However, I came across this snack recipe in an issue of Men's
Fitness that I'm going to have to try! Let me know what you
think... Dark
Chocolate Bark
Dark Chocolate with a cocoa content of at
least 65% can enhance skeletal muscle function, according to a 2012
study carried out at the UC San Diego School of Medicine.
oz. dark chocolate
- 1 scoop whey protein powder
- 1/2 cup pistachios, shelled
- 1/2 cup raw almonds
- 1/2 cup dried cranberries
Nutrition Information
Calories: 468
Protein: 12g
Carbs: 47g
Fat: 27g
Fiber: 7g
Total Time: 35 minutes
Fitness, January 2013
Sandbag Exercise of the Month! |

Hey, I didn't name this exercise, but after
doing many sets of them, I can understand what they were
getting at! This combination exercise really kicks up
your heartrate due to all the muscles that are being worked.
Legs, butt, low back, shoulders... get 'em all burning at once
and you'll develop an appreciation for this one!
Target: legs, butt,
shoulders (hamstrings, gluteus maximus, deltoids)
Description: Starting
with the sandbag on the ground in front of you, place your
feet shoulder width apart and grasp the sandbag. Explode
up, "cleaning" the sandbag to your chest (bringing it from the
ground to your chest in one motion). Press the bag up,
over your head and onto your shoulders. Push your butt
backwards performing two squats. Press the bag back up
and bring it back to the ground in front of you.
That's one rep... Do more! J
Boot Camp Time! |
Ah Finally... the weather's breaking and
people are looking for excuses to be outside! Outdoor
cardio is good stuff, don't get me wrong... but there are
plenty of ways to get your resistance training in outside
too... and that's where boot camps come in.
The term "boot camp" has become a
common (and sometimes overused) term nowadays. Here's an
interesting tidbit... In 1944, U.S. Marines slang, said to
be from boot as slang for "recruit," which supposedly dates
from the Spanish-American War and is a synecdoche from
boots, leggings worn by U.S. sailors. The term "boot camp"
in the military refers to Recruit training, more commonly
known as Basic Training. It is the initial indoctrination
and instruction given to new military personnel, enlisted
and officer. Ok... that's as far as I'm going with the
historical origins
Fitness boot camps have become very
popular in recent years with the target audience of clients
being people looking for a tough workout, or just something
fun and different in a group setting. Plus, let's be
honest, "Boot Camp" sounds a lot cooler than outdoor group
fitness class! There isn't a
set formula for fitness boot camps. I've seen them
focused on bodyweight exercises, with dumbbells, speed and
agility, or just general fitness. While there are
often ways to vary the intensity of exercises, it's
typically a good idea to understand what the target audience
and fitness level is for a workout before you decide to join
Having hosted a variety of different
"boot camp" type workouts over the years, I'm partial to the
ones that use odd objects and unconventional exercises.
Here's a quick list of some of the toys that we use at our
weekly Warrior
- tires
- ropes
- sledgehammers
- kegs
- slosh pipes
- kettlebells
- jump boxes
- sleds
- sandbags
- medicine balls
I guess that everyone's version of fun
is different, but I think that we do have a good time during
our 2 hour weekly arse kicking sessions
I'm always looking for new torture
devices and exercises to add to the mix... Here's my latest

This axle bar is basically an
outdoor olympic bar with built in bumper plates that let you
drop it. Plenty of exercises that can be performed
with a good straight bar. It fits in perfectly with my
other toys... don't you
It's Go Time!
Yikes... Only a
month to go before the Philly Tough Mudder! Considering
that the course is 11-12 miles, and the furthest that I've run
in my life is about 7... I'm a wee bit nervous! But
that's what it's all about really... finding an excuse to push
myself beyond what I'm comfortable doing for both the personal
challenge, and to take it to the next level!
Don't get me
wrong... I'm not saying that everyone should sign up for the
Tough Mudder. For some people, signing up for an MS Walk
is a good first step. There are plenty of 5K runs out
there, cycling events, sprint triathlons, 1/2 marathons...
something for everyone! However, no matter what mode you
choose to engage in, set a stretch goal that gives you a
reason to train for it... something that makes you reach
higher and go further than you're doing right now. Get a
friend, register for the event, and COMMIT to it... then find
or plan a program that will get you there.
Reaching or
Exceeding your personal goals is a rewarding experience that
will serve as further motivation to keep you going. Go
ahead... register now... I'll wait right here
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Exceed Your
Mazzeo, CPT
"Technique is what you fall
back on when you run out of inspiration"
youtube of the month -->
Clean and Press Tutorial
I really like the way that this guy breaks down the
components of the barbell clean and press. Form is
extremely important for any of the Olympic lifts!