Resistance Training Program for Jane Doe

NOTE:  The program below is a guideline to be used for your resistance training program.  Be sure to warm up with 3-5 minutes of light aerobic exercise followed by stretching to facilitate getting blood into your working muscles.  The starting weight listed is an estimate so that you don't spend 1/2 the workout trying to determine what weight to use.  You should, however, adjust it up or down so that your last repetition (Rep) of an exercise set is challenging.

Exercise Reps Wt Target Muscles Description  
Bench Press 12 65 Chest
(Pectoralis Major)
Lie supine on bench. Dismount barbell from rack over the upper chest using a wide oblique overhand grip.

Lower weight to upper chest. Press bar until arms are extended. Repeat.

Squat 12 80 Legs
From a rack with barbell upper chest height, position bar on the back of the shoulders and grasp barbell to sides. Dismount bar from rack.

Descend until thighs are just past parallel to floor. Extend knees and hips until legs are straight. Return and repeat.

Tricep Pressdown 12 30 Upper Arm
(Triceps Brachii)
Face high pulley and grasp cable attachment with overhand narrow grip. Position elbow to side.

Extend arms down. Return until forearm is close to upper arm. Repeat.

Lunge 12 Max Legs
Lunge forward with first leg. Land on heal then forefoot. Lower body by flexing knee and hip of front leg until knee of rear leg is almost in contact with floor. Return to original standing position by forcibly extending the hip and knee of the forward leg. Repeat by alternating lunge with opposite leg.
Preacher Curl 12 15 Upper Arm
(Biceps Brachii)
Sit on preacher bench placing back of arms on pad. The seat should be adjusted to allow the arm pit to rest near the top of the pad. Grasp cable bar with shoulder width underhand grip.

Raise the cable bar until forearms are vertical with the back of the upper arm remaining on the pad. Lower the cable bar until arms are fully extended. Repeat.

Cable Abduction 12 10 Outter Hip
Stand in front of low pulley facing to one side. Attach cable cuff to far ankle. Step out away from the stack and grasp ballet bar. Stand on near foot and allow far leg to cross in front.

Move leg to the opposite side of the low pulley by abduction the hip. Return and repeat. Turn around and continue with opposite leg.

Cable Adduction 12 10 Inner Thigh Preparation
Stand in front of low pulley facing to one side. Attach cable cuff to near ankle. Step out away from the stack with a wide stance and grasp ballet bar. Stand on far foot and allow near leg to be Pulled toward low pulley.

Move near leg just in front of far leg by abduction the hip. Return and repeat. Turn around and continue with opposite leg.


Lat Pulldown 12 45 Back
(Latisimus Dorsi)
Grasp cable bar with a wide grip. Sit with thighs under supports.

Pull down cable bar to upper chest. Return until arms and shoulders are fully extended. Repeat.


Calf Raise 12 Max Leg - Calf
Position toes and balls of feet on calf block with arches and heels extending off.  Hold onto a stationary object for for balance.

Raise heels by extending ankles as high as possible. Lower heels by bending ankles until calves are stretched. Repeat.

Seated Dumbbell Press 12 15 Shoulders
Position dumbbells to each side of shoulders with elbows below wrists.

Press dumbbells until arms are extended overhead. Lower and repeat.


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