Lower Back - On Elbows
Lower Back - Press-Up

Rise up on
elbows as high as possible, keeping hips on floor. |

Press upper
body upward, keeping hips in contact with floor. Keep lower back
and buttocks relaxed. |
Lower Back - Lower Trunk
Lower Back - Extensors /

back flat and feet together, rotate knees to right side. Hold and
repeat to other side. |
Bring knee
to chest and hold. For more stretch, bring head to knee and hold.
Repeat with other knee. |
Lower Back - Extensors /
Upper Back - Upper and Mid
Bring both
knees to chest and hold. For more stretch, bring head to knees and
hold. |

forward until stretch is felt. For greater stretch, move arms
toward back legs of chair. To return, put forearms on knees and
push up. |
Upper Back - Upper and Mid
Upper Back - Rotators

Slide hands
forward and buttocks back. |

With feet shoulder-width
apart and 12 - 24 inches from wall, turn upper body and try to place
hands on wall at shoulder height. Hold and repeat to other side. |