Thigh Adductors
Thigh Adductors

With feet
together, lower knees to floor until stretch is felt. |

straight or with back against wall, gently push knees to floor until
stretch is felt. |
Thigh Adductors
Thigh Adductors

feet with hands and bending from hips, gently pull forward until stretch
is felt. |

With legs
apart, slide hands forward until stretch is felt. |
Thigh Adductors
Thigh Adductors

Erect on sit
bones, hands on full roller, bend one leg across in front, move other
straight to side. Roll arms, leaning trunk forward. Feel
stretch in inner thighs. |

With elbows
inside knees and thumbs inside feet, gently push knees outward until
stretch is felt. |
Thigh Adductors
Thigh Adductors

Lie with
buttocks 3-5 inches from wall. If too close, you might feel
tightness in low back. Place soles of feet together, resting them
against the wall. Lower knees gently out to sides until a stretch
is felt. |

Lie with
buttocks 3-5 inches from wall. Place soles of feet together,
resting them against the wall. Lower knees out to sides and gently
push down on inside of thighs, increasing the stretch. |
Thigh Adductors
Thigh Adductors

Place soles
of feet together. Hold feet with one hand while that arm holds
down leg on same side. Other hand on other leg below knee, gently
push downward for isolation stretch to that side of groin. |

Spread legs
as wide as possible. Reach one arm across body. Raise other
arm over head. Reaching across head, extend torso and arm toward
leg. Repeat on other side. |
Thigh Adductors
Thigh Adductors

Sit on floor
and bend one leg, placing outside on floor. Position other leg
with foot flat on floor and heel against other shin. Bend torso
forward. |

Stand with
one foot on stool or chair. Bend over, reaching toward floor. |