Knee to Chest
Pull Back Toes, Single Leg
Gently pull
knee to chest until stretch is felt. Repeat with other knee. |
With towel
or belt around foot, pull toes toward knee until stretch is felt.
If you are more flexible, use hand to pull toes. Repeat with other
leg. |
Head to Knee
Pull Back Toes, Double Leg
With hands
on ankle, pull head toward knee and hold. Repeat with other leg. |
With hands
on toes, pull forward and bend head toward knees until stretch is felt.
For more stretch, put hands on ankles. |
Forward Bend
Side Bend
With feet
shoulder-width apart and pointing straight forward, and with knees bent,
lower hands toward floor until stretch is felt. Bend knees further
to return to standing position. |
With feet
apart, pull head toward knee until stretch is felt. Repeat toward
other knee. |